When I left education to focus on my photography I always missed the atmosphere of a school.  The community, the vibrant characters and the unplanned lively occurrences that only children can provide.  
That's why for my school photography work I try to focus on the things that I believe makes these communities the brilliant places they are.  The children and staff, learning and interacting and just doing what they do best, being themselves.
A set up shot may be quicker and simpler but there is something immeasurably more meaningful about the learning process that makes for better images. I spent over a decade as a teaching assistant in both mainstream and SEN and in that time developed a huge appreciation for the staff and students alike.  Watching great teachers communicating cool concepts and being there for those Aha! moments. Joining that exuberant playground energy or lively cookery class. Answering those curious inquiries and witnessing the warm hearted encouragement from the dedicated support staff. For me this is where truly great images are found and having spent so much time in that environment, I know where to find them.
For me this isn't a job, it's something I genuinely love and hopefully that shows in my images.  
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